I've decided to put out again my mob vend - A board that have one item inside and if are enough people around the price will drop until will reach rock bottom ( lowest price ). And that price will be always lower than the normal vendor price...so bring you're friends and friends of friends, stay around the vendor for a few min and when the price reaches rock bottom grab the item ( pay the board )

I will try and change the prize once a week or once couple of weeks ;)
Now in the mob vend -

Got 2 new releases one pair of shoes and one outfit .

Mayka - comes in a total of 6 colors. Top, pants, sculpted mini skirt and short flexi skirt.

Ana - - unlimited colors via HUD color picker or chat command
You can change color to :
- ring
- shoe
- sole

Also you have 28 preset buttons with colors, option to save 6 custom colors


36 skin textures
36 nail textures
41 shoe textures
4 buckle textures
11 heart ring gem textures
11 stone textures
5 sole/heel textures
2 ring textures

As usual wear group tag to get 20% discount ( pay full price and automatically get refund back ) Also you get 10% discount for a week until 13 nov 2011 even if you don't wear group tag :P