Now you can get a redeliver to pretty much anything you have bought from marketplace and in world shop . If the purchase is fortunate enough to be on the one the transaction history records that i have.
So now if you need a redelivery of something you can check it out and see if it's on the list on thing you have.
Also some of you who bough my shoes a long time ago when I was selling them by color you can get the ones that are currently in the shop aka with HUD and texture/color changeable and so on.
How to do that? Well drop by at the shop and click on the redelivery board ( next to the shelf ) and you'll get a link that will take you to a webpage . You will see ALL the items that you've bought from my shop and other shops as well that have this kind of redelivery option.... buuut if you do it from my shop ... my items should be at the top of the list ^^


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