3 New releases today ^^

 Beast ..or I should chad call it Beauty and the Beast ...because you can transform it from a Beauty to a Beast ;) . We have horns and studs and you can hide the ones you want ( or show off depending on the case ). As usual you can texture and color them
 Hell Queen ...a sexy hell queen ...2 types of skirt ( mini sculpt and flexi + mini ) There are 4 combinations for the collar ( without and with cape ( 3 length cape ) ) . The pitch fork is a simple and attaches to your arm. This is my first outfit with Lolas Tango
Virago is another devil inspired outfit...flaming hot ;) , with Lolas Tango appliers .
Both Hell Queen and Virago have pumps included in the outfit.

Lolas Tango - I'll slowly begin to update my outfits to work with Lolas Tango Appliers ... if you want a certain one with appliers let me know
I have 4 releases today ..

It's been a while since Avery was made for hunts ...and now both colors for men and women are out

The bare feet for women will be released next time ^^, the ones for me are included with the outfit ( because are very simple )

Both of the stockings are color changeable, so you can tint them any way you like, also in the package are some premade colors already. be sure to make a copy before you decide to modify something

Also I've added some goodies to mini mania ^^
And Lucky cupcake : ONE ( of each ) no modify color of :

And I've added to the lucky letter

That would be all for now ^^

Oh oh oh..don't forget marketplace..i still have some limited half priced items ^^